Balance tea - for alkaline balance

30 reviews

Delicious organic herbal tea to naturally promote acid-alkali balance

✔︎ Great tasting

✔︎ Effective herbal blend

✔︎  Certified organic

✔︎ Helps flush out acids

✔︎ Vitalising organic mate and green tea

✔︎ High in antioxidants and polyphenols


Ingredients: Mate Green, Chun Mee Green Tea, Green Darjeeling, Pai Mu Tan White Tea, China Oolong, Ginger root, Green Rooibos, Tulsi leaf, Nettle leaf, Dandelion leaf, Natural Flavour : Acerola berry, Blackberry Leaf, Rose petal.
Preparation: Pour 1 teaspoon per cup of 70 to 80 ° C hot water and leave for 3 to 5 minutes.
Presentation: Loose tea in aroma protective can with freshness seal.
Cultivation: Certified organic.

Discover more balance with this delicious alkalising tea

Demanding modern lifestyles can often affect our acid-alkaline balance. Balance tea supports the body's ability to flush out acids and helps create acid buffers -  making it an ideal companion to Quick Basic alkaline powder.

A delicious tasting combination of organic mate, green and white teas together with a unique blend of berries and herbs packed with valuable antioxidants and polyphenols.

Green tea

Green tea has a pronounced alkalising effect and removes acids intracellularly, entering the cell.


The nettle plant is a true detox miracle and helps the body flush out harmful acids.


Dandelion is a renowned herb used for detoxification and is rich in vital phytonutrients and minerals.